Examples of Health planning region in a sentence
Health planning region where patient resides (Eastern/Lower Shore, Western, Baltimore Upper Shore, and Washington Metropolitan)j Age groups (0-14 (pediatric); 15-44, 45-64, 65 and older)k Location of care (Eastern/Lower Shore, Western, Baltimore/Upper Shore, and Washington Metropolitan)ACHGihj Annual historic change in rate of cardiac open heart surgery by health planning region where patients reside and age group.
Regression table comparing differences in outcomes for private and safety-net practice settings compared with referent group of dental support organization practice settings during implementation and postreform periods, relative to prereform period.*net* Each outcome panel represents a separate regression that adjusted for the provider’s specialty, Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services geographic managed care region, Virginia Department of Health planning region, and fiscal year fixed effects.
France has a generous supply of pre-school and day care centres subsidised by the regional and local authorities (town halls, ‘mairies’).