Examples of Oregon Department of Human Services in a sentence
The phone number for that office is: 800-522-2602 or 503-378-6533.The Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) developed content in this template.
Work and mental disorders in a German national representative sample.
One mission of the Oregon Department of Human Services is to provide support services that enhance the quality of life of persons with developmental disabilities.
The State of Oregon, Department of Human Services, certifies that Oregon shall make available to the public a summary of any plan submitted by the State under this section.
The State of Oregon, Department of Human Services, which administers the TANF program, certifies that the State has established and is enforcing standards and procedures to ensure against program fraud and abuse, including standards and procedures concerning nepotism, conflicts of interest among individuals responsible for the administration and supervision of the State program, kickbacks and the use of political patronage.
The Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) is directed to file a TANF State Plan as required by federal regulations.
The State of Oregon, Department of Human Services, certifies that, during the fiscal year, the State will administer and supervise those portions of the State’s program operated with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Block Grant funds which relate to financial support, training and work programs.
The State of Oregon, Department of Human Services, certifies that, during the fiscal year, the State will operate a foster care and adoption assistance program under the State plan approved under part E of Title IV of the Social Security Act, and that the State will take such actions as are necessary to ensure that children receiving assistance under such part are eligible for medical assistance under the State plan under subchapter XIX of the Social Security Act.
The State of Oregon, Department of Human Services, further certifies that local governments and private sector organizations have been consulted regarding the plan and design of TANF services in Oregon in order to ensure the services are provided in a manner appropriate to local populations and that these same local governments and private sector organizations have had at least 45 days to submit comments on the plan and the design of such services.
The State of Oregon, Department of Human Services, certifies that, during the fiscal year and the period covered by this State plan, the State will provide each member ofan Indian tribe, who is domiciled in Oregon and is not eligible for assistance under a tribal family assistance plan approved under section 412, with equitable access to assistance under the State program funded under this part attributable to funds provided by the Federal Government.