Hard copy means any documents, records, reports, or other data printed on paper.
accessible format copy means a copy of a work in an alternative manner or form which gives a beneficiary person access to the work, including to permit the person to have access as feasibly and comfortably as a person without visual impairment or other print disability. The accessible format copy is used exclusively by beneficiary persons and it must respect the integrity of the original work, taking due consideration of the changes needed to make the work accessible in the alternative format and of the accessibility needs of the beneficiary persons;
Email address of record means the designated email
Authoritative Copy means, with respect to an eNote, the unique copy of such eNote that is within the Control of the Controller.
Electronic Version/Copy means a digital form consisting of text, images or both readable on computers or other electronic devices that includes all content that the Original and Hard Copy proposals contain. The digital form may be submitted using a compact disc (cd) or USB flash drive. The electronic version/copy can NOT be emailed.
Protected record means a record that is classified protected as provided by Section 63G-2-305.
Notification Email Address means the email address (if any) designated by Customer, via the user interface of the Processor Services or such other means provided by Google, to receive certain notifications from Google relating to these Data Processing Terms.
Original part number means a combination of numbers or letters assigned by the enterprise at item creation to a class of items with the same form, fit, function, and interface.
Original RRA shall have the meaning given in the Recitals hereto.
certified copy means in relation to any document delivered or issued by or on behalf of any company, a copy of such document certified as a true, complete and up to date copy of the original by any of the directors or officers for the time being of such company or by such company’s attorneys or solicitors;
Copy whether or not capitalized, means any paper, disk, tape, film, memory device, or other material or object on or in which any words, object code, source code or other symbols are written, recorded or encoded, whether permanent or transitory.
Monthly Records means all records and data maintained by the Servicer with respect to the Receivables, including the following with respect to each Receivable: the account number; the originating Dealer; Obligor name; Obligor address; Obligor home phone number; Obligor business phone number; original Principal Balance; original term; Annual Percentage Rate; current Principal Balance; current remaining term; origination date; first payment date; final scheduled payment date; next payment due date; date of most recent payment; new/used classification; collateral description; days currently delinquent; number of contract extensions (months) to date; amount of Scheduled Receivables Payment; and past due late charges.
Facsimile (FAX) prescription means a written prescription or order that is transmitted by an electronic device over telephone lines that sends the exact image to the receiving pharmacy in hard copy form.
Event data recorder (EDR) means a device or function in a vehicle that records the vehicle's dynamic, time-series data during the time period just prior to an event (e.g., vehicle speed vs. time) or during a crash event (e.g., delta-V vs. time), intended for retrieval after the crash event. For the purposes of this definition, the event data does not include audio and video data.
Address of record means the designated address recorded
Email Address means a current valid email address.
Original means the first rendering or archetype and does not include photocopies or electronic transmissions even if received and printed.
Standard Agreement Coversheet refers to the form used by the Judicial Council to enter into agreements with other parties. Several originally signed, fully executed versions of the Standard Agreement, together with the integrated Contract Documents, shall each represent the Agreement as an individual contract counterpart.
Request regarding a list of collateral means a record authenticated by a debtor requesting that the recipient approve or correct a list of what the debtor believes to be the collateral securing an obligation and reasonably identifying the transaction or relationship that is the subject of the request.
Fecal coliform means aerobic and facultative, Gram-negative, nonspore-forming, rod-shaped bacteria capable of growth at 44.5° C, and associated with fecal matter of warm-blooded animals;
Request regarding a statement of account means a record authenticated by a debtor requesting that the recipient approve or correct a statement indicating what the debtor believes to be the aggregate amount of unpaid obligations secured by collateral as of a specified date and reasonably identifying the transaction or relationship that is the subject of the request.
Authorized Bank Account means any Officially Designated bank account to which redemption proceeds may be sent.
Notice of Account Designation has the meaning assigned thereto in Section 2.3(b).
address on record means the address of the recipient as available in the records of the supplier;
Original package means the unbroken container or wrapping in which any drug or medicine is
Electronic Version/Copy means a digital form consisting of text, images or both readable on computers or other electronic devices that includes all content that the Original and Hard Copy proposals contain. The digital form may be submitted using a compact disc (cd) or USB flash drive. The electronic version/copy can NOT be emailed.