Original Signature definition
Examples of Original Signature in a sentence
Person authorized to sign bids, offers and contracts: Authorized Agents Name (Please print): Title: (Authorized Agents Original Signature) (Date)FORM F CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES (FORM 1295) Clear Creek Independent School District (“CCISD”) is required to comply with House Bill 1295, which amended the Texas Government Code by adding Section 2252.908, Disclosure of Interested Parties.
Date Original Signature of Petitioner or Attorney for PetitionerThis form is prescribed by the Director, Division of Taxation, as required by law, and may not be altered without the approval of the Director.
Each party will execute and promptly deliver to the other party a copy of this Agreement bearing an Original Signature.
The attachment order from this court put Allana on record at the registry of deeds and gave her standing to, for example, participate in the other Superior Court case, such as an interpleader action….[The Court] is unable to find and articulate any standing in these cases that Allana would have separate and apart from her interest in an equitable division of marital property by this court in this divorce proceeding.
Each Party will execute and promptly deliver to the other Party a copy of this Agreement bearing an Original Signature.