Original Signature definition

Original Signature in this context means a copy of an actual signature of a party that is reproduced or transmitted via email of a readable electronic file (PDF preferred), photocopy, facsimile, or other process of complete and accurate reproduction and transmission.
Original Signature means or refers to a signature that has not been mechanically or electronically reproduced.
Original Signature means the signature of a registrant affixed to a document in accordance with section 2 of this rule.

Examples of Original Signature in a sentence

  • Original signature and date of the Grantee’s Project Representative.

More Definitions of Original Signature

Original Signature means a handwritten signature on a printed document.}
Original Signature means a manually signed document by a natural person, as opposed to an electronic signature, and "Facsimile Signature" means the signature of a natural person produced by mechanical means, printer or stamp.
Original Signature shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9.12(b).
Original Signature in this context means a copy of an actual signature of a party that is reproduced or transmitted via email of a readable electronic file (PDF preferred), photocopy, facsimile, or other process of complete and accurate reproduction and transmission. The parties have signed this Agreement as of the dates written below. By: (Signature) Name:   Title:   Date: ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY By: (Signature) Name: Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx Title: Vice President for Research Date: This Appendix is entered into by and between Rochester Institute of Technology and Sponsor pursuant to the governing Assigned Project Agreement. Date:   RIT Faculty (Principal Investigator) & Contact Info: Name: Address:   Lomb Xxxxxxxx Xx Xxxxxxxxx, XX 00000 Phone: 585-475-  Email:  
Original Signature means the handwritten name of a person applied to a document that identifies the person, serves as a means of authentication of the contents of the document, provides responsibility for the creation of the document and provides for accountability for the contents of the documents.
Original Signature in this context means a copy of an actual signature of a party that is reproduced or transmitted via email of a readable electronic file (PDF preferred), photocopy, or other mutually acceptable time-stamped digital signature process. The parties have signed this Agreement as of the dates written below.   By: (Signature) Name:   Title:   Date: ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY By: (Signature) Name: Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx Title: Vice President for Research Date: This Appendix is entered into by and between Rochester Institute of Technology and Error: Reference source not found pursuant to the governing Assigned Project Agreement. RIT Faculty (Principal Investigator) & Contact Info: Name: Address:   Lomb Memorial Dr Rochester, NY 14623 Phone: 585-475-  Email:   Name: Full Name Address: Street& Number Phone:  - -  Email:   Project Period: Start Date – End Date If Yes, provide the following details for each identified item of BIP: (Initial to include: RIT ________ | Sponsor ________) Title of BIP:   Inventor(s) / Creator(s):   Owner of BIP:   Contact Person and Info:   Description of BIP and When Created:   Protection Status of BIP (e.g. Patent #, Copyright #, trade secret):  
Original Signature in this context means a copy of an actual signature of a party that is reproduced or transmitted via email of a readable electronic file (PDF preferred), photocopy, facsimile, or other process of complete and accurate reproduction and transmission. The parties have signed this Agreement as of the dates written below. Error: Reference source not found By: (Signature) Name:   Title:   Date: ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY By: (Signature) Name: Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx Title: Vice President for Research Date: