Other Contents definition
Examples of Other Contents in a sentence
However, if such cost has not been incurred and also in case of Item 4(All Other Contents) We will pay amount of Damage less due allowance for wear and tear and depreciation.
The members shall entrust the policy matters of church leadership to the Board of Elders and day-to-day administration to the staff.
The•Finance Committee approved the biennial budget recommendations as follows:••No proposed increase to the number of personnel, currently set at five (5) FTE.
Essential contractual obligations in- clude the obligation to a timely delivery and installation of deliverables, the ab- sence of material and legal defects that impair the deliverables’ functionality or usability more than insignificantly, as well as obligations to advise, protect and care that are intended to facilitate Customer’s contractual use of delivered items and/or protect the life and limb of the Customer’s personnel and/or prevent signi- ficant damage of Customer’s property.
OTHER CONTENTS CLAUSE It is agreed that the term "Other Contents" in so far as they are not otherwise covered is understood to include:- a) Money and stamps not otherwise specifically covered for an amount not exceeding RM ................
The insurance on each Building, Machinery Plant and All Other Contents and Stock and materials in trade item stated in the Schedule, extends to include accidental Damage caused by change in temperature, resulting from total or partial destruction or disablement of refrigerating, electrical or conditioning plant or apparatus, arising from an Insured Event.
Provided that Our liability in respect of any Damage shall not exceed the Sum Insured in respect of Other Contents.
OTHER CONTENTS CLAUSE It is agreed that the term "Other Contents" in so far as they are not otherwise covered is understood to include:- a) Money and stamps not otherwise specifically covered for an amount not exceeding RM................
PROPERTY INSURED: PART A CONTENTS :- As defined under serial no.25 of Special Meaning of Words Other Contents - Item 1: Stock in Trade:Stock in trade belonging to You and goods in trust for which You are responsible.
In the event of Damage to the property insured by insured perils during the currency of the Policy, We will:PART A (CONTENTS)Under Item 1 (Stock in Trade):Pay the full cost of replacing stock at prices current at the time, when Damage occurs.Under Item 2, 3, 4 (Business and Office Furniture, Interior Decoration and All Other Contents) :Pay the full cost of repair or reinstatement to a condition equal to but not better or more extensive than its condition when new, provided that such cost has been incurred.