Examples of OTP Holder in a sentence
Because the ORF is collected from OTP Holder or OTP Firm clearing firms by the OCC on behalf of NYSE Arca, the Exchange believes that using options transactions in the Customer range serves as a proxy for how to apportion regulatory costs among such OTP Holders or OTP Firms.
Rule 6.69-O(d) (providing that “[f]or each transaction in which an OTP Holder or OTP Firm participates off-board (off a participating Exchange) in any option pertaining to an underlying security which is currently approved for Exchange options transactions, such OTP Holder or OTP Firm shall report the transaction to the Exchange in a form and manner prescribed by the Exchange.
However, if an OTP Holder appeals the determination made by the Trading Official to a CER Panel and the CER Panel confirms the determination made by the Trading Official, a $5,000 fee will apply.
The Exchange proposes that the Exchange President or Chief Executive Officer (or his or her designee(s)) may grant an exemption from the requirement of this proposed Rule, on his or her own motion or upon application of the OTP Holder or OTP Firm (with respect to the OTP Holder or OTP Firm’s positions) or a Clearing Member (with respect to positions carried and cleared by the Clearing Members).
An OTP Holder or OTP Firm is not assessed the fee until it has satisfied applicable technological requirements necessary to commence operations on NYSE Arca.
Commentary .02 to Rule 6.78-O (providing that “[a]cquisitions and dissolutions in which all or substantially all of the assets of one OTP Holder or OTP Firm are acquired by another or, where there remains no continuity of ownership or management are examples of situations that normally would be required to be subjected to the transfer process set forth in subsections (e) and (f).
Specifically, the Exchange proposes to modify the TCADV component of the qualifying basis for each of Tiers A and B to require an OTP Holder to execute at least 1.00% of TCADV (rather than 0.80% of TCADV) from Customer posted interest in all issues.
See Exchange Rule 1.1(q).6 The term ‘‘OTP Firm’’ refers to a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or other organization in good standing that holds an OTP or upon which an individual OTP Holder has conferred trading privileges on the Exchange’s Trading Facilities pursuant to and in compliance with Exchange Rules.
Specifically, the Exchange proposes that an OTP Holder would qualify for Tier 1 by executing at least 0.20% of TCADV from Customer posted interest, plus executed ADV of 0.30% of U.S. equity market share posted and executed on the NYSE Arca Equity Market,5 and such qualifying OTP Holder would earn a $0.36 per contract credit applied to electronic executions of Customer posted interest in Penny issues.
An OTP Holder must be a registered broker or dealer pursuant to Section 15 of the Act, or a nominee or an associated person of a registered broker or dealer that has been approved by the Exchange to conduct business on the Exchange’s Trading Facilities.