Examples of Outstanding Revenue Bonds in a sentence
If the Additional Revenue Bonds are to be issued in whole or in part for refunding Outstanding Revenue Bonds, the annual principal and interest requirements shall be determined by deducting from the principal and interest requirements for each operating year the annual principal and interest requirements of any Revenue Bonds to be refunded from the proceeds of the Additional Revenue Bonds.
For refunding all or a part of the Outstanding Revenue Bonds and paying costs of issuing such Additional Revenue Bonds including deposits which may be required to be made to a bond reserve account, if any.
Bonds shall not be issued pursuant to this subparagraph (b) unless the Adjusted Net Revenues of the System for the preceding twelve-month operating year shall be at least equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the maximum amount of principal and interest thereafter maturing in any operating year on the then Outstanding Revenue Bonds and on the Additional Revenue Bonds then being issued.
For subsequent repairs, extensions, enlargements and improvements to the System, or for the purpose of refunding any Outstanding Revenue Bonds, or for both purposes, and paying costs of issuing such bonds including deposits which may be required to be made to a bond reserve account, if any.
Any amendment or supplemental ordinance or resolution authorized by the provisions of this Section may be enacted by the City without the consent of or notice to the registered owners of any of the Outstanding Revenue Bonds, notwithstanding any of the provisions of Section 24 below.