Overflow System definition
Examples of Overflow System in a sentence
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement may terminate on a sooner date in the event that (i) the current pit is filled to capacity and a new special use permit is required, or (ii) improvements have been made to Grantee’s existing storm sewer system which eliminates the need for the Temporary Overflow System and this Agreement.
FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT WA-002918 Page 81 West Point Wastewater Treatment Plant and Combined Sewer Overflow System WA-002918-1-FS~West Point~DRAFT~PNOD 11-12-08.docx DRAFT Department of Ecology~M Henley Have too high or low of a pH (too corrosive, acidic or basic).
Fact Sheet for NPDES Permit WA0031682 City of Seattle’s Combined Sewer Overflow System Page 49 of 57 Response: Ecology commonly uses the word “ensure” in its NPDES permits in a variety of special and general conditions.
The County calculated the flow rate of wastewater into FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT WA-002918 Page 23 West Point Wastewater Treatment Plant and Combined Sewer Overflow System WA-002918-1-FS~West Point~DRAFT~PNOD 11-12-08.docx DRAFT Department of Ecology~M Henley the tunnel based on the weir equation which is a function of the height of water flowing over the weir.
Authorizing the Mayor to execute MDOT Contract No. 12-5441 for Cost Participation for the Operation and Maintenance of Existing Combined Sewer Overflow System commonly known as CSO Contracts C6, C7, and C8 subject to review by the Legal Department; also authorizing the Finance Director to establish a revenue budget and corresponding expenditure appropriations based on actual proceeds received from MDOT’s participation costs in the Sewer Fund CSO Operations Division and requesting immediate effect.
FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT WA-003168-2 Page 22 of 81 City of Seattle’s Combined Sewer Overflow System Criteria applicable to this facility’s discharge are summarized below in Table 5.
FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT WA-003168-2 Page 52 of 81 City of Seattle’s Combined Sewer Overflow System Mark Henley, P.E., NWRO WQP Seattle CSO Sediment Monitoring Recommendations September 17, 2010 Page 2 of 11 unless they were being monitored under other programs.
Whenever it rains as little as 0.1 inches, the rainwater that cascades off streets, parking lots and other impervious sur- faces overwhelm the present Combined Sewer Overflow System.
In Section 820.10, the definition of "Perimeter Overflow System, the comma was changed to "or".
FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT WA-002918 Page 22 West Point Wastewater Treatment Plant and Combined Sewer Overflow System WA-002918-1-FS~West Point~DRAFT~PNOD 11-12-08.docx DRAFT Department of Ecology~M Henley Standby Mode (Dry Weather Operation).