Aquatic Feature definition
Examples of Aquatic Feature in a sentence
The West River and its riparian area is considered a Priority Aquatic Feature by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation.
Special Aquatic Feature (lakes, meadows, bogs, fens, wetlands, vernal pools, and spring.
Under the injunction and order, no-use buffer zones of 60 feet for ground applications and 200 feet for aerial applications apply from the edge of the following California red-legged frog habitats as defined by the USFWS and the Center for Biological Diversity: Aquatic Feature, Aquatic Breeding Habitat, Nonbreeding Aquatic Habitat, and Upland Habitat.
Prescribed fire will avoid this site.• SP-8 Small Meadow/Special Aquatic Feature, Headwaters Big Rattlesnake Creek, South Fork: divert livestock trailing along Big Rattlesnake Creek in areas that host B.
Under the injunction and order, no-use buffer zones of 60 feet for ground applications and 200 feet for aerial applications apply from the edge of the following CRLF habitats as defined by the USFWS and the Center for Biological Diversity: Aquatic Feature, Aquatic Breeding Habitat, Nonbreeding Aquatic Habitat, and Upland Habitat.
They include, but are not limited to alder, willow, cottonwood, or maple in the over-story and sedges and rushes underneath.Road Prism – The area between the outside edges of the fillslope and the cutslope.SAF- Special Aquatic Feature (lakes, meadows, bogs, fens, wetlands, vernal pools, and spring.
Table 3: Results of the sensitivity rating / constraints assessment Aquatic Feature Hydrogeomorphic Type Sensitivity Rating Criteria Proposed Buffer (m) Wind Farm Development ConstraintTransmission LineConstraint Pan (Wetland)Endorheic Pan - Dry systems that can have standing water for longer periods, some have been converted into dams or have dam walls within.