Examples of Oversight Responsibilities in a sentence
Finally, this study does not attempt to estimate the broader impact of competition law and policy, such as deterring anti-competitive behaviour and providing incentives to increase efficiency, innovation and productivity.
Source Data Reporting Oversight Responsibilities: RWG agencies are responsible for ensuring that all data they submit to EAGL is verified and validated; is in accordance with the Measures Reporting Plan and Spreadsheet Guidance; and for storing all records and documentation used to support the results they submit to EAGL.
Information Systems Oversight Personnel: EAGL Information System Administrator/GLNPO IT Specialist Information Systems Oversight Responsibilities: Administer the EAGL site; ensure RWG Agencies receive training on definitions of progress for each Measure; ensure EAGL Information System Spreadsheets are submitted semi-annually; and facilitate Measure Leads and the Reporting Coordinator in extracting and transforming data submitted to EAGL for final reporting.
See also:§ 120.20.45 (Contracting Officers); § 130.30.20 (Procurement Liaison Officer Oversight Responsibilities); § 140.55 (Training).
See also: § 130.30.20 (Procurement Liaison Officer Oversight Responsibilities).
BY TITLE ONLY - Defining the Common Council's Policy-Making and Oversight Responsibilities During Officially Declared Emergencies.Sponsors: Tag Evers, Grant Foster, Patrick W.
Subtitle B—Enhanced Congressional Oversight Responsibilities Sec.
Information Systems Oversight Personnel: EAGL Information System Administrator/GLNPO IT SpecialistInformation Systems Oversight Responsibilities: Administer the EAGL site; ensure RWG Agencies receive training on definitions of progress for each Measure; ensure EAGL Information System Spreadsheets are submitted semi-annually; and facilitate Measure Leads and the Reporting Coordinator in extracting and transforming data submitted to EAGL for final reporting.
The post-hoc tests (pairwise t-test) showed that users reported the SoA in UIK significantly lower than FIK and MoCap.Since a Shapiro-Wilk test showed a non-significant departure from normality, a Friedman test was conducted for the average score of ownership questions, Q8 - Q10.
Oversight Responsibilities for Executive Compensation Following the distribution, we expect our board of directors will adopt a Compensation Committee Charter that initially will grant our Compensation Committee similar responsibilities to those of the DuPont Compensation Committee.