Examples of Ovoot Tolgoi Deposit in a sentence
The Company, through its joint venture with NTB LLC, completed the construction of a paved highway from the Ovoot Tolgoi Deposit to the Shivee Khuren border crossing.
Exploration activities are not recommended during the harsh winter months; however, the climate is expected to allow year round mining operations, based on the Company’s experience at the nearby Ovoot Tolgoi Deposit and competitor mines in the region.
For further information on "Complex" deposit types, refer to the Table entitled "Criteria used to Define Assurance of Existence for Coals in Complex Geology Type" under heading "DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL PROPERTIES – Ovoot Tolgoi Deposit – Mineralization" in this Annual Information Form.
Geological Setting Regional Geology The Soumber Deposit is structurally located along the Nariin Sukhait thrust fault approximately 25km east of the Ovoot Tolgoi Deposit.
The updated estimate of resources at the Ovoot Tolgoi Deposit is summarized in the following table.Totals may not add up due to rounding.
The East Soumber and Biluut fields - MV-016869, granted on July 6, 2011 and covering an area of 10,992.92ha and expires on July 4, 2041, with an option for two 20 year extensionsFor additional information on MELs and mineral licences in Mongolia refer to "DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL PROPERTIES – Ovoot Tolgoi Deposit – Property Description and Location" in this Annual Information Form.
The agency also considers whether information is available on sensitive populations.
Undoubtedly there could be circumstances where the holding of a ‘second’ event could mean that preparations for the ‘first’ one cannot be undertaken or it cannot get under way because its ‘space’ is occupied but it ought to be possible to measure this in more concrete terms than is done in the present provision; it is unlikely that an interval of more than two or three hours between the end of the ‘second’ and the start of the ‘first’ would be necessary.
For more information on the resource and reserve estimates for the Ovoot Tolgoi Deposit, see the section of this Annual Information Form entitled "DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL PROPERTIES – Ovoot Tolgoi Deposit".
The surface resource depth cut-off of 300m was used, as pit optimisation studies of the Ovoot Tolgoi Deposit indicate that while mining to such a depth is feasible, there is insufficient deep drilling to quote any potential underground coal tonnage below 300m.