Examples of I don in a sentence
I don't know what it is like in o t h e r areas.I n H a ll Coun t y , I don ' t k now that those...whether they arer unning any types of vacancies in t h ose f a c ilities, bu t w h e n t hey ar e f u l l, that means that there are people in need.
I don ' t think that we can stand here and ask the people of this state to raise us from $400 and we think that a parent and one child should deserve less than $350 per m o n t h .
So it doesn't seem very logical to me when they s ay, we vot ed already to kill it and I have al r e ad y c ompl i e d wi t h a l l t h e demands of the Judiciary Committee making all the amendmentsthat they required and now on the argument of we voted to kill it, it ought to stay killed, I don ' t underst and i t .
You know, if it is that important a bill to somebody, I don' t know what his reasor.
I don t think I would NOTICE the difference, really, if I prescribe antibiotics or not I don t have any kind of quality measures that so far I ve had to I haven t really had anyone say anything about it to me .