Examples of Paper coating in a sentence
On-purpose non-tree crop fiber and/or fiber from sustainably harvested non-old growth and non-endangered forests Paper coating and treatments are also of importance when considering suitability for environmentally preferable purchasing.
DoD will use the APM to prioritize DIB CIKR for both analysis and reduction of risk, and to prioritize assets for additional assessment and vulnerability mitigation investment based on their relative criticality.
Related web coating processes on plastic film and41 decorative coatings on metal foil are included in this definition.42 Paper coating covers saturation operations as well as coating43 operations.44 "Saturation" means dipping the web into a bath.45 "Web" means a continuous sheet of substrate.
Keywords: Recycled brown base paper, Paper coating, Styrene acrylate binders, Packaging, Printability, Offset printing.
Paper coating lines include lines coating film and f oil substrates in a uniform manner.