Examples of Paragon Bank in a sentence
Memphis, Tennessee; to acquire shares of Paragon Financial Solutions, Inc., and thereby indirectly acquire shares of Paragon Bank, both of Memphis, Tennessee.
PML and Paragon Bank carry on the business of managing and administering mortgage loan portfolios, car loan portfolios and unsecured consumer loan portfolios.
Paragon Bank shall give notice in writing to the Bank of this Deed and the terms thereof prior to the creation of any Trust Property which is to be held on trust for a Beneficiary in accordance with this Deed.
Generation Gender80.00%70.00%72.73%70.00%59.21%60.00% 50.00%40.79%40.00%30.00%MaleFemale30.00%27.27%20.00% 10.00% 0.00%Generation XGeneration YGeneration ZFigure 4.3 Number of Respondents by Gender according to Generation Table 4.3 and )LJXUH VKRZHG WKDW WKH UHVFrom the data showed, it indicated that the majority of Generation Y cohort consisted of 45 numbers of female respondents with 59.21% and 31 numbers of male respondents with 40.79%.
Paragon Bank will, in respect of any future securitisation in which it acts as originator, seller and/or transferor of financial assets, endeavour to agree with the relevant securitisation trustee a supplemental deed of declaration of trust to this Deed in which it shall declare that it holds, for the Beneficiary in respect of such securitisation, such Beneficiary's Share on the same (or substantially similar) trusts as those set forth in this Deed.
Because of these factors, and to maximize the relocated faculty member's educational contribution, the University has acquired a number of apartments and villas, and, to the extent feasible, has furnished them with furniture and equipment commonly used by foreigners.
Save as otherwise provided in the Transaction Documents, the Trustee shall have no responsibility for providing any Article 5 Information to any Noteholder and the Trustee shall have no duty to investigate or verify the accuracy of the content of any response provided by Paragon Bank to any Article 5 Information Request.
Any advance payment made by Tenant shall be deposited in a Trust Account with Paragon Bank located in Cary, NC.
With respect to the commitment of Paragon Bank to retain a material net economic interest in the securitisation and with respect to the information to be made available by PML (or by the Issuer (as the entity designated responsible for compliance under Article 7(2) of the Securitisation Regulation, on PML's behalf)), please see the statements set out in "Certain Regulatory Disclosures".
PML and Paragon Bank also carry on the business of managing and administering mortgage loan portfolios, car loan portfolios and unsecured consumer loan portfolios.