Mitigation bank definition
Examples of Mitigation bank in a sentence
Mitigation bank permit,” “Mitigation banker” or “banker,” “Mitigation credit,” and “Mitigation service area” shall have the same meanings as provided in Chapter 62-342, F.A.C.
Com- pensatory mitigation projects should not be located where they will increase risks to aviation by attracting wildlife to areas where aircraft-wildlife strikes may occur (e.g., near airports).(2) Mitigation bank credits.
Mitigation bank credits are not re- leased for debiting until specific mile- stones associated with the mitigation bank site’s protection and development are achieved, thus use of mitigation bank credits can also help reduce risk that mitigation will not be fully suc- cessful.
Mitigation bank credits are not released for debiting until specific milestones associated with the mitigation bank site's protection and development are achieved, thus use of mitigation bank credits can also help reduce risk that mitigation will not be fully successful.
Mitigation bank - A site, or suite of sites, where resources (e.g., wetlands, streams, riparian areas) are restored, established, enhanced, and/or preserved for the purpose of providing compensatory mitigation for impacts authorized by DA permits.