Parish Councils definition
Examples of Parish Councils in a sentence
Government (Parishes and Parish Councils) (England) Regulations 2008.
Following the flooding events of July 2007, West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) has responded to requests from both Town and Parish Councils to aid the coordination of all the agencies and bodies that were undertaking their own investigations into the floods through the production of Parish Flood Reports.
The District Council has consulted with these agencies together with Parish Councils, Town Councils and individual property owners in order to prepare this report.
This report should be used to make sure that all the agencies involved with flood prevention – like the Environment Agency, Thames Water, Oxfordshire County Council, Town / Parish Councils and private land owners – work in true partnership for the good of everyone in the local community.
A share of the charges which are due to be payable to the Town and Parish Councils will remain in creditors (receipts in advance) until due.
In particular an authority seeking to exercise a general power of competence under the Localism Act 2011 needs to ensure that the power is fully understood and exercised in accordance with the Parish Councils (General Power of Competence) (Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012.
The officer responsible for sending copies of byelaws to County, Town and Parish Councils.
MembersA number of elected members are also members of Cambridgeshire County Council, Town and Parish Councils and have an interest in voluntary organisations that are grant aided by the Council.
Fault repairs and works carried out for any other authority, such as District or Parish Councils, are not works for road purposes.
A Parish Member must be present at any meeting of the Standards Committee when matters relating to Parish Councils or their members are being considered.