Examples of Parochial Church Council in a sentence
The PCC operates under the Parochial Church Council Powers Measure.
In the case of a marriage service or a funeral service in church, any costs and expenses incurred in respect of routine administration (including arranging dates and times and the making of entries in registers), making the church available and lighting it are included in the fee prescribed as payable to the Parochial Church Council.
The fees for the inspection of churches in the Diocese under the terms of this Scheme shall be paid by the Parochial Church Council of each parish in accordance with the following terms of this Scheme.
Each parish has a Parochial Church Council or PCC which is responsible for maintaining the churchyard and may need to give its approval to certain decisions.
At the time of writing this report, the Order is being debated in Parliament and no decision has been made.
If planting is permitted by the rules made by the Parochial Church Council this does not in any way authorise the introduction of any kind of fencing, edging, or other artificial enclosure of any kind round a grave.
The Parochial Church Council has the responsibility for maintaining the churchyard.
The Parochial Church Council may provide a Book of Remembrance and keep it on display in the church.
Bodies directed to charitable purposes of which you are a Member (including the Lions, the Masons, a Parochial Church Council; not just bodies registered with the Charity Commission).
The present rules, which came into effect in the diocese in 1990, provide for an area to be set aside in the churchyard for the interment of cremated remains, and give a discretion to the Incumbent and Parochial Church Council to seek a Faculty (permission) for the introduction of some form of memorial feature for the purpose of commemorating those interred in the area.