Mental health professional means a psychiatrist,
Medical professional means any person licensed or certified to provide health care services to
Health profession means those licensed or regulated professions set forth in RCW 18.120.020(4).
Health care professional means a physician or other health care practitioner licensed, accredited or certified to perform specified health care services consistent with state law.
Mental health provider means a health care provider or a health care facility authorized by state law to provide mental health services.
Paraprofessional means a person who does not have an academic degree related to the scope of treatment or support services being provided but performs prescribed functions under the general supervision of that discipline.
Participating physician means a physician licensed in Virginia to practice medicine, who practices
Qualified professional means, for the purposes of OAR 411-320- 0080, any of the following licensed professionals trained to make a diagnosis of a specific intellectual or developmental disability:
Naturopathic physician means an individual licensed to practice naturopathic medicine by the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine.