Passenger Operator definition
Examples of Passenger Operator in a sentence
If the next use of the Aircraft is a business use, Operator shall not charge the Passenger for expenses associated with hangar and tie-down costs away from the Aircraft’s base of operation; if, however, the next use of the Aircraft is by Passenger, Operator shall have the option of returning the Aircraft to its base of operations or permitting it to remain at the destination.
It is the intention of the commonwealth and the State that to the extent that any item of Track Infrastructure is affixed to the Operational Railways Land, the Keswick Passenger Terminal Land or the Leigh Creek Line then that item shall first be deemed to be severed from the land to which it is affixed and may be transferred to or vested by the Commonwealth in the Freight Operator, the Passenger Operator or SAGC respectively as personal property capable of separate ownership from the land.
The State agrees that it will on the Effective Date sign and deliver to the Passenger Operator the Passenger Terminal Site Lease.
Figure 9: Western European Passenger Operator Revenues [EUR per train-km] Source: civity Management Consultants benchmarking analysisNote: Transport agreements (e.g. PSO's for operations) can be contractual obligations between varying levels of government, for example local governments may pay a national rail carrier for utilizing certain tracks.
RM3 sets out the criteria which the ORR assess an organisation's ability to achieve excellence when controlling health and safety risks and the RM3 criteria for depots is on the RDG Passenger Operator Safety Group hub and allows Duty Holders to undertake their own assessment of risk maturity.
We would like to understand how ORR will assess the overall impact of its PR18 determination.Freight and National Passenger Operator (FNPO) / Network System Operator (NSO)ORR’s approach to calculating funding for the FNPO route and NSO is an important part of the financial framework.
A2 If you are already in possession of a Carriage of Passenger Operator Licence, please write down this number.
Changes to the regulatory settlement for the Freight and National Passenger Operator (FNPO) route and the System Operator (SO) should only occur where the requirements made under the settlement for these two organisations are subject to material change, either in terms of funding or outputs required.
A Board Resolution authorising such representatives to represent the Company in respect of the Carriage of Passenger Operator Licence is also required.B1 Write down the registered name that appears on the Company Registration Certificate.
These were principally in relation to the ongoing work on the bid for the South Western franchise and the unsuccessful bids on the Greater Western, Great Northern/Thameslink and Integrated Kent franchises.South West TrainsSouth West Trains was named Passenger Operator of the Year and Rail Business of the Year within the past 12 months, reflecting our commitment to excellence.