Examples of Payment Adjustment Factor in a sentence
Examples include the penalty for excess readmissions for the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program, the Value-Based Incentive Payment Adjustment Factor for Hospital Value-Based Purchasing, or the amount of shared savings generated by an ACO under the Medicare Shared Savings Program.
Payment Adjustment Factor means a multiplier applied to the unit Contract price to determine the actual unit payment price.
The production payment adjustment factor for completed lots will be the average of the payment adjustment factors for the 4 sublots sampled within that lot.Production Payment Adjustment Factors for Laboratory-Molded Density1Absolute Deviation from Target Laboratory-Molded DensityProduction Payment Adjustment Factor (Target Laboratory-Molded Density)0.012.
In no event can the EUL Payment Adjustment Factor exceed 1.00 or one hundred percent (100%).
There is no change to your FY 2021 payments.Value-Based Incentive Payment Adjustment Factor This factor is the number multiplied by the base operating MS-DRG amount for each Medicare fee-for- service discharge at a hospital paid under the IPPS occurring in FY 2021 due to the Hospital VBP Program.
To the extent this statutory reduction to the basecapital rate addresses the issues of the rates being overstated, we believe we should not, at the same time, further address the issue through the update framework.2. Outlier Payment Adjustment Factor Section 412.312(c) establishes aunified outlier methodology forinpatient operating and inpatientcapital-related costs.
The Contractor shall pay for such additional coring..3 For full payment, the Lot Mean Thickness must be equal to, or greater than, the specified thickness..4 Payment adjustment for thickness is as follows: Average Thickness Compared to Specified ThicknessPayment Adjustment Factor (Note 1)Total Thickness (Single or Multiple Lifts)Top Lift Thickness (Multiple Lifts)Note 1: A single Thickness Payment Adjustment Factor shall be applied, Total Thickness or Top Lift Thickness, whichever is less.