PDD Ordinance definition
Examples of PDD Ordinance in a sentence
The following City standards for planning, design, location, and construction of the Offsite Road in effect on the date hereof, and as the same may be amended by the cross-sections or design descriptions as adopted as exhibits to the Annexation agreement and PDD Ordinance attached hereto.
In the event the Owners pursues development of multifamily/condominium units for Phase 1B, City and Owners shall negotiate a per unit access fee with Owners getting a credit of $400.00 paid in Phase 1B as designated before.All development within this project will be regulated by the terms of the approved PDD Ordinance, as amended herein.
That certain PDD Ordinance executed between Owner and City on the same date as this Agreement.
The following City standards for planning, design, location, and construction of the Offsite Road in effect on the date hereof, and as the same may be amended by the cross-sections or design descriptions as adopted as exhibits to the PDD Ordinance attached hereto.
Construction shall be generally in accordance with the cross-sections and design specifications as shown in the Annexation agreement and PDD Ordinance, typical sections of which are shown in Exhibit D, subject to plan review and acceptance by City pursuant to Section 3.4 and by the Texas Department of Transportation as applicable.
The Village acknowledges that under current state law, the zoning approved under this Amended Agreement and the Revised PDD Ordinance survive the expiration of this Amended Agreement.
Words and terms used herein shall have their usual meaning except as they may be specifically defined in this Agreement, or, if capitalized and not defined herein, as defined in the City Code of Ordinances, including, without limitation, the PDD Ordinance, the Zoning Ordinance, the Sign Ordinance, and the Lighting Ordinance, as such Code exists on the effective date of this Agreement and as is modified by this Agreement.
To be an IASW SIG the following members of the SIG committee must be IASW members– Chairperson, Vice Chair and Secretary.
He explained that from their perspective, the way the PDD Ordinance is written, they feel good about responding to every part of the ordinance.
A policy level discussion was recommended because any change in the PDD Ordinance would require a legislative process.