Examples of Pension reserve in a sentence
In the Statement of Movement on the General Fund Balance, this means there are appropriations to and from the Pension reserve to remove the notional debits and credits for retirement benefits and replace them with debits for cash paid to the pension fund and any amounts payable to the fund but unpaid at the year end.
A Pension reserve fund has been created so that movements and balances relating to the defined benefit pension scheme valuations can be separately identified.
The Pension reserve absorbs the timing differences arising from the different arrangements for accounting for post employment benefits and for funding benefits in accordance with statutory provisions.
Pension reserve The pension reserve is used to reconcile payments made for the year to statutory pension schemes in accordance with the schemes requirements, and the net change in the authority’s recognised liability under the Code’s adoption of IAS19 – Employee Benefits.
The Pension reserve represents the Local Government Pension Scheme deficit.