Examples of Personal earnings in a sentence
Indeed, regard- less of the personality trait considered, the majority of the primary literature finds that the correlation between traits and earnings is not statistically significant at conventional confidence levels.Table 1: Personal earnings and the Big Five: Vote counting Notes.
Personal earnings" means compensation paid or payable for personal services, however denominated, and includes wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, draws against commissions, profit sharing, vacation pay, or any other compensation.
Standard errors in paren- theses, *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1. (1)Table 9: Personal earnings & Big Five - Meta analysis using all effect-sizes θ^REM L 0.0214*** ^Notes.
Standard errors in parentheses,*** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1. Table 8: Personal earnings & Big Five - Meta analysis with Fisher’s z-transformation (1)θ^z0.0173** Notes.
Table 7: Personal earnings & Big Five - Meta analysis with fixed effect θ^F EML 0.0112*** ^Notes.
Personal earnings exempt from process.* * *(b) Priority.--An order of attachment for support shall have first priority and an order described in subsection (a)(5) shall have second priority over any other attachment, execution, garnishment or wage assignment.* * *§ 9718.
Select all that apply.)□ Assistantship, fellowship, scholarship, grant, traineeship□ Paid internship, clinical residency□ Loans (any source)□ Spouse/partner employment□ Personal earnings or savings□ Family earnings or savings□ Employer reimbursement/assistance□ Support from a foreign government□ Other (please specify): [RANDOMIZE CHOICES.
Personal earnings are the sum of all earnings actually received by individuals during a given year.
These are: • Employment impact• Personal earnings impact• Business revenue impact• Tax impactThe definition of each of the impacts, as well as the methodology followed in estimating the impacts for a specific type of distribution sector, are described below.
These are: Employment impact; Personal earnings impact; Business revenue impact; Tax impact.The definition of each of the impacts, as well as the methodology followed in estimating the impacts for a specific firm in a given industry, are described below.