Pipeline Owner definition
Examples of Pipeline Owner in a sentence
The relevant Transmission Pipeline Owner must consult with VENCorp in relation to a proposed connection prior to submission of the proposed connection agreement relating to that connection for approval by VENCorp with the intent of facilitating the approval by VENCorp of that connection agreement.
For the purpose of this clause 4.1, in relation to a connection, a reference to a “relevant Transmission Pipeline Owner” is to be construed as a reference to the Transmission Pipeline Owner which owns or controls the pipeline to which that connection relates or which is the subject of that connection.
Interconnection Customer shall have the Pipeline Owner or operator of the TCE pipeline confirm in writing the conditions upon which such Pipeline Owner or operator would require the construction of an air bridge over such pipeline.
Project Company will reimburse Pipeline Owner for its expense within thirty (30) days of receipt of Pipeline Owner's invoice.
The parties expressly agree that any financial or commercial loss (e.g.: loss of data, clientele or orders, as well as profit or operating losses, loss of earnings, trade problems) or any action taken against You by a third party constitutes an indirect loss and may in no way constitute entitlement to compensation from the TriAnnot Pipeline Owner.
The information required for interoperability may be obtained from the TriAnnot Pipeline Owner without this implying a commitment on the part of the TriAnnot Pipeline Owner to provide assistance or services associated with the TriAnnot pipeline.
Please provide the name and title of the person who will be signing the transactional documents on behalf of the Pipeline Owner.
No Oil and Hazardous Substance Pipeline shall become operational, nor shall any oil or Hazardous Substance be introduced into the Oil and Hazardous Substance Pipeline prior to the Pipeline Owner and Pipeline Operator receiving the prior written approval of the EMP by the Borough Engineer and Chief of Police.
Project Company shall provide Pipeline Owner with a copy designs and proposed equipment for approval.
Pipeline Owner TACK COAT - Item No. 1, 39, 57 Special Provision No. 308F02 February 2017 Amendment to OPSS 308, April 2012 Painting Material, Application Options, and Samples for Testing 308.05 MATERIALS 308.05.01 Tack Coat and Joint Painting Material Clause 308.05.01 of OPSS 308 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Tack coat and joint painting material shall consist of SS-1 or SS-1HH emulsified asphalt diluted with an equal volume of water.