Examples of Plain view in a sentence
Plain view works the same way when the resident has given you permission to look around.
Plain view health hazards, such as but not limited to, silica, lead, noise, and other recognized health hazards will be evaluated.
Plain view or other hazardous conditions that are not part of the dynamic lists questions may be addressed by CSHOs without expanding the inspection.CSHOs should document how they identified these hazardous conditions.
Dual credit courses are available for area schools including Plain- view High School and Plainview Christian Academy.
If contraband13 is observed during the inventory, it may be seized. Plain view - If the officer inadvertently observes contraband that is immediately recognized as contraband, it can be seized. Parole search - As a condition of parole, a parolee agrees to be searched by a police officer when stopped.
XLII:981 without a major weapon in combating police misconduct.199 Plain view recordings would not effectively capture police misconduct because police officers that are aware they are being recorded are less likely to engage in wrongdoing.200 Therefore, any effort by citizens to expose police misconduct would be thwarted by the warning a plain view recording affords police officers.201C.
Prior to the Effective Time, FTX shall not permit the Certificate of Incorporation or By-laws of Newco to be amended or modified without the prior written consent of IGL, provided that such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Plain view and structural design of experimental ETMT with diagram combined with the evaporator.
Card has strong showing at Pan Am GamesBusy junior year concludes with seventh place finish in TorontoBy Eric BeckerCarlinville High School gradu- ate Kelsey Card finished seventh for Team USA at the 2015 Pan American Games discus throw July 24 in Toronto.That event concluded a busy junior season for Card, a Plain- view native.
Indeed, prior to dressing the Torah, the wimple (the sash which ties the Torah) is held up for all to see, as that wimple is adorned with the names of those 480 souls who perished at the hands of the Nazis.Assemblyman Charles Lavine (Lavine@ assembly.state.ny.us), who represents Plain- view, is co-sponsoring a bill in the New York State Assembly which would create a list of companies that are boycotting Israel and deny them state contracts and investments from the state pension fund.