Examples of Shoreline in a sentence
AHG documents include “Integrated Streambank Protection Guidelines”, 2002; “Land Use Planning for Salmon, Steelhead and Trout: A land use planner’s guide to salmonid habitat protection and recovery”, 2009”, “Protecting Nearshore Habitat and Functions in Puget Sound”, 2010; “Stream Habitat Restoration Guidelines”, 2012; “Water Crossing Design Guidelines”, 2013; and “Marine Shoreline Design Guidelines”, 2014.
Shoreline Restoration Plan, City of Longview Shorelines: Columbia River, Cowlitz River, and Lake Sacajawea.
Draft Shoreline Environment Designations Report: Long Beach Shoreline Master Program Update.
A revision, update, addition, deletion, and/or reenactment to an existing Shoreline Master Program.
Applicants for exempt uses or development must obtain a written Statement of Shoreline Exemption (SSE🕈) verifying the proposed development is not subject to the SSDP permitting process.