Plan Objective definition
Examples of Plan Objective in a sentence
Link to Strategic Plan: Objective 4.5 - To manage our workforce as a strategic business resource.
Plan Objectives are independent and mutually exclusive from each other, so that the applicable percentage of the Target Incentive may be earned if one Plan Objective is met, even if the threshold performance is not met for another Plan Objective.
Each metric is independent and mutually exclusive from the other metrics so that a percentage of the Target Incentive related to Health and Safety may be earned independent of achievement of any other Health and Safety metric or other Plan Objective.
The Securities are structured so that the amount you are due to receive from your Plan is in accordance with the Plan Objective.
This metric is independent so that a percentage of the Individual Performance Incentive may be earned independent and mutually exclusive of achievement of any other Plan Objective.
The proposed annexation will not have an adverse effect on public facilities and their levels of service; and • The proposed annexation is consistent with and promotes the following objectives and policy of the Clearwater Comprehensive Plan: Objective A.6.4 Due to the built-out character of the City of Clearwater, compact urban development within the urban service area shall be promoted through application of the Clearwater Community Development Code.
The proposed annexation will not have an adverse effect on public facilities and their levels of service; and The proposed annexation is consistent with and promotes the following objective of the Clearwater Comprehensive Plan: Objective A.6.4 Due to the built-out character of the City of Clearwater, compact urban development within the urban service area shall be promoted through application of the Clearwater Community Development Code.
P-16 Plan Objective: Objective 6 - Prepare education professionals in public and higher education, from P through 16, to assist students, including those with special needs, in meeting college readiness and skilled workforce expectations and standards.
The State Innovation Grant Program is guided by Strategic Plan Objective 5.2, which requires that our efforts improve environmental performance through pollution prevention and innovation; and Sub-objective 5.2.4, which promotes environmental policy innovation.
P-16 Plan Objective: Objective 7 - Coordinate college readiness and success plan Objectives with strategies for persistence and timely graduation included in the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s “Closing the Gaps” plan.