Examples of Goals in a sentence
Goals: Please list 2-3 learning goals you hope to achieve through this internship in relation to your career aspirations and/or academic studies.
CONSULTANT will provide recommended modifications to the Goals, Objectives and Policies contained in the CITY’s Comprehensive Plan related to water supply to improve the linkage between the Comprehensive Plan and the Work Plan.
When a Contractor does not meet any one or more of their Subcontracting Goals for a given reporting period, the Contractor shall explain, in writing, the rationale for not meeting the goals in the comments section of the ISR/SSR.
If the Performance Goals are achieved for a Plan Year in which the Executive dies before Separation from Service and before attaining Normal Retirement Age, the Bank shall make a final contribution in an amount equal to the Annual Contribution multiplied by a percentage.
Exhibit C–Statewide Dual Credit Goals contains a description of how this Agreement’s dual credit program goals align with statewide goals.