Planned event definition
Examples of Planned event in a sentence
It strengthens the living contacts that are maintained by seminars and phone contacts.The SMS messaging system is triggered by the following events:▪ Planned event data base;▪ Unique actions of users (like registration);▪ Users’ behaviour analysis and results.E-content is central to the course material delivery process; it ensures that the content is consistent with the level of the learning objectives and that the volume, assessments, tests etc.
Graph 10: Planned event legacy flow Source: Holger Preuss, Lasting Effects of Major Sporting Events, 2006 In the process of election, what is also called process of candidature (2) there are some required structures as well as measures that are optional.
Planned event: Should a vacancy in a supervisor position on a given shift occur due to a scheduled leave, vacation, etc.
Typically, this category includes events like music festivals, farm field days, civil defence or military exercises.Planned temporary events do not meet the definition of a drinking water supply under the Water Services Act 2021 but Taumata Arowai can make rules for Planned Temporary Event Drinking Water Supplies under section 49 1 (b) of the Water Services Act 2021 Planned event temporary drinking water supplies are not emergency supplies which are dealt with differently under the Water Services Act 2021.
For example:delivery before 9 am.• Planned event: The is the event as planned by the transport service provider.