National Incident Management System Sample Clauses
National Incident Management System. The Parties to this Agreement will operate under the concepts defined in the NIMS. In implementing these concepts, Parties to this Agreement will be expected to follow the NWCG’s minimum standards as defined in the Wildland Fire Qualifications Systems Guide, PMS-310. NWCG recognizes the ability of cooperating agencies at the local level to jointly define and accept each other’s qualifications for initial attack, extended attack, fire operations, and prescribed fire. The NWCG minimum standards are NIMS compliant. The following NIMS concepts will be followed as they are implemented: Incident Command System (ICS), qualifications system, training system, the management of publications, and participating in the review, exchange and transfer of technology as appropriate for providing qualified resources, and for the management of incidents covered by this Agreement.
National Incident Management System. When providing assistance under this Agreement, the Requesting Utility and Responding Utility shall be organized and shall function under the Na- tional Incident Management System.
National Incident Management System. (NIMS) - A national, standardized approach to 25 incident management and response that sets uniform processes and procedures for 26 emergency response operations. 27
National Incident Management System. The Agencies to this Agreement will operate under the concepts defined in the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) National Incident Management System (NIMS). In implementing these concepts, Agencies who are parties to this Agreement will be expected to follow the National Wildfire Coordinating Group’s (NWCG) National Interagency Incident Management System (NIIMS) minimum standards as defined in the Wildland Fire Qualifications Systems Guide (PMS-310). These NWCG minimum standards are DHS NIMS compliant.
National Incident Management System. Assistance provided under this Agreement will be consistent with the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
National Incident Management System. Operations shall be conducted using the National Incident Management System.
National Incident Management System. (“NIMS”) that is currently available online and can be accessed at: xxxxx:// system;
National Incident Management System. Subrecipient must remain in compliance with National Incident Management System implementation initiatives as provided in the NOFO.
National Incident Management System. The Agencies to this Agreement will operate under the concepts defined in the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) National Incident Management System (NIMS) and in accordance with the DHS National Response Framework. In implementing these concepts, Agencies to this Agreement will be expected to follow the National Wildfire Coordinating Group’s (NWCG) National Interagency Incident Management System (NIIMS) minimum standards as defined in the Wildland Fire Qualifications Systems Guide (PMS-310). These NWCG minimum standards are DHS NIMS compliant. The NIMS concepts that will be followed include: Incident Command System (ICS), qualifications system, training system, the management of publications, and participating in the review, exchange, and transfer of technology as appropriate for providing qualified resources, and for the management of incidents covered by this Agreement.
National Incident Management System. (NIMS) During the performance period of this Grant, the grantee must implement the NIMS in a manner consistent with the NIMS Implementation Objectives outlined by FEMA at xxxx://