Examples of Play Day in a sentence
Play Day Awards: Recommended: Awards are based on character attributes, such as hardest working, spirit, leadership, most improved etc.
In some situations, such as the instance of a Play Day in which hundreds of children attend, this is not always possible.
Any action to play the ball, including a self-toss to a volleyball skill or a direct volleyball skill is considered in play.- Blocking is allowed but must only be one player and the player must be within arms reach of the net with hands above and in front of their head.- Three contacts/team are strongly encouraged.-Play Day Format: Recommend 3-4 matches per Play Day.
Parents and staff members work together to plan and to implement extracurricular programs such as choral music, parent education programs, noon sports, Drama Club, Family Math Nights, Science Fair, Family BBQ lunches, Talent Show, Harvest Festival, Play Day, Walk-a-Thon, and more.
Adults are NOT to carry juniors’ clubs.Proper attire is mandatory on Junior Golf Play Day and for all visits to the golf course and driving range.
Organizes the logistics of school events such as Back to School Night, Family Day, Play Day and the Science Fair.
Throughout the region numerous activities were undertaken in commemoration of the International Year including: communication tools such as websites created in Australia and Bhutan; a mass-participation run in India; an annual Push Play Day to celebrate and promote physical activity in New Zealand; a table tennis tournament with the theme “Sports for Health and Happiness” in Bhutan; and the Tour of Qinghai Lake International Road Cycling Race in China.
On 12 July they held the Giant Play Day at Wellsprings Leisure Centre, which was funded by Somerset Play Forum.
I have carefully considered the risk involved and hereby give my permission for the Player identified below to participate in The Woodlands Lacrosse Play Day and all activities associated therewith (collectively the “Play Day”) offered by or through The Woodlands Girls Lacrosse Association (the “Club”).
Events in 2018 included activities organized to celebrate 30 years since the launch of the childhood and family care centres (the “CAIF” Plan), Rights Month, Play Day, Girls’ Day, Children’s Day, the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, Care Month and Early Childhood Month, as well as campaigns to raise awareness of sexual exploitation, including one under the slogan “Don’t Use Their Bodies” (No Consumas Sus Cuerpos), and a campaign to promote committed parenting.