Plurality Vote definition
Examples of Plurality Vote in a sentence
Section 304: Plurality Vote Required for Congressional and Executive Candidates.
Annual Meetings Of Stockholders Shall Be On Such Date And At Such Time As Shall Be Designated From Time To Time By The Board Of Directors, At Which Meeting The Stockholders Shall Elect By A Plurality Vote A Board Of Directors And Shall Transact Such Other Business As May Properly Be Brought Before The Meeting.
Accuracy (%) Random Baseline 7.14Shared Task Best 95.54 Plurality Vote 96.04 Oracle 99.83Accuracy@3 99.83Accuracy@2 99.47 Table 5: Ensemble results on the DSL 2015 shared task systems.
The certificate shall set forth such adjustment or readjustment, showing in detail the facts upon which such adjustment or readjustment is based, including a statement of (i) the Conversion Rate at the time in effect for the Notes, and (ii) the number of shares of Common Stock and the type and amount, if any, of other property which at the time would be received upon conversion of the Notes.
The Equilib- rium strategy performs better if compared to the aggrega- tion strategies Least Misery and Plurality Vote under these conditions.A group recommendation system, called MyPopCorn, has been developed as an application for Facebook.
Added Attachment 3 to policy.June 2009: Added reference to Attachment 3 within ss (D of Inmate Request for a Religious Diet).
Although different aggregation strategies differ in the way they manipulate and represent users’ preferences, virtually all of them adopts one of three schemes: (1) aggre- gates a single set of individual recommendations, (2) builds a unique representation model for the group, or (3) aggregate the ratings/preferences for particular items.Average, Least Misery and Plurality Vote are three of the main aggregation strategies studied in the related scientific literature.
The disadvantage of this strategy is that an item in which most members are little satisfied will probably be recommended rather than a item to which just one member is very unsatisfied whereas the others are pleased, for instance.In the aggregation strategy Plurality Vote, each group member votes on the item with the highest individual pref- erence.
With these conditions, we must choose between the Plurality Vote and the Proportional Electoral College.
Majority Vote, Preferential Vote, and Plurality Vote Many recognized community planning groups’ bylaws indicate that a majority vote for a candidate is required for a planning group seat to be filled.