Examples of Point of Receipt in a sentence
Energy shall be provided from the Point of Receipt if economic, and from the LBMP Market otherwise.
For Firm Transmission Service requests between a Point of Receipt at the Proxy Generator Bus designated for Imports and a Point of Delivery at the Proxy Generator Bus designated for Exports, the ISO will furnish to the Transmission Customer hour-to-hour schedules equal to the Wheel-Through Transaction schedule and shall deliver the Energy provided by such schedules.
The Transmission Customer shall provide, unless waived by the ISO, notification to the ISO identifying such systems and authorizing them to schedule Energy to be transmitted by the ISO pursuant to Section 3 of this Tariff on behalf of the Transmission Customer at the Point of Delivery or the Point of Receipt.
For Firm Transmission Service requests between a Point of Receipt and Point of Delivery that are internal to the NYCA, or between a Point of Receipt at the Proxy Generator Bus designated for Imports and a Point of Delivery that is a Load Bus internal to the NYCA, the ISO will furnish to the Transmission Customer schedules equal to those requested and shall deliver the Energy provided by such schedules.
If the Metering Point and the Point of Receipt or Point of Delivery are not at the same location, the metering equipment shall record delivery of electricity in a manner that accounts for losses occurring between the Metering Point and the Point of Receipt or Point of Delivery.