Point Thomson Unit definition

Point Thomson Unit has the meaning set forth in Section 3.
Point Thomson Unit means the oil and gas leases and described land located on the North Slope of Alaska as may exist from time to time from which oil, gas and associated substances are developed and produced on a unitized basis under the terms of the Unit Agreement for the Development and Operation of the Point Thomson Unit with the State of Alaska, dated March 1, 1977 and the Unit Operating Agreement Point Thomson Unit Area by and between the Working Interest Owners of the Point Thomson Unit, dated March 1, 1977, each as amended from time to time.

Examples of Point Thomson Unit in a sentence

  • Development of Point Thomson Unit acreage in Area F (Brookian reservoirs) is subject to the provisions set forth in Paragraph 4.7.

  • The provisions in this Paragraph 4.2 do not modify the provisions regarding Point Thomson Unit contraction/termination at year-end 2019 in Paragraphs 4.5.2 and 4.5.7 of this Agreement.

  • This Paragraph 4.3 describes how the Initial PA will be formed for the Point Thomson Unit.

  • This Paragraph 4.5 describes various development scenarios that could be present at year-end 2019, and the implications for acreage in the Point Thomson Unit.

  • If IPS Project Start-up has occurred and the WIOs have Committed to either: (1) an IPS Gas Cycling Expansion Project of a minimum of an additional 20,000 barrels per day; or (2) a Point Thomson Gas Development / Prudhoe Bay Enhanced Recovery Project by year-end 2019, then all acreage, except as set forth in Paragraph 4.7, shall remain in the Point Thomson Unit at year-end 2019 and shall be entitled to be included in a PA as set forth in Paragraphs 4.4.2 and 4.5.1.

  • Work plans for Point Thomson Unit acreage in Area F of Exhibit C shall be subject to the terms of Paragraph 4.7, not this Paragraph 4.6.

  • The WIOs confirm that any leases not set forth on Exhibits A and B that formerly may have been included in the Point Thomson Unit have expired and the acreage has been released and returned to the State.

  • The Parties agree that any gas produced from a reservoir within the Point Thomson Unit and injected into a reservoir within the Prudhoe Bay Unit pursuant to a Point Thomson Gas Development / Prudhoe Bay Enhanced Recovery Project is only subject to tax and royalty one time.

  • Particularly, this paragraph sets forth the terms and conditions under which some or all of the acreage could contract out of the Point Thomson Unit and be released to the State Without Appeal, and some or all of the acreage could remain in the Point Thomson Unit and be included in a PA.

  • The Unit Operator will file revised versions of Exhibits A and B when changes occur to the configuration or boundaries of the Point Thomson Unit area as set forth in this Agreement, with the revisions effective on the date the changes occur.

Related to Point Thomson Unit

  • Cogeneration unit means a unit that is able to operate in cogeneration mode;

  • Generation Unit means a facility that converts a fuel or an energy resource into electrical energy.

  • GP Unit means a Partnership Unit which is designated as a GP Unit of the Partnership.

  • Production Unit means a facility for generation of electricity made up of a single generation unit or of an aggregation of generation units;

  • General Partner Unit means a fractional part of the General Partner Interest having the rights and obligations specified with respect to the General Partner Interest. A General Partner Unit is not a Unit.

  • Living unit means a room, apartment, cottage, or other area within a facility set aside for the exclusive use or control of one or more identified residents.

  • Partnership Unit means a fractional, undivided share of the Partnership Interests of all Partners issued hereunder. The allocation of Partnership Units among the Partners shall be as set forth on Exhibit A, as may be amended from time to time.

  • OP Unit means a Partnership Unit which is designated as an OP Unit of the Partnership.

  • Class A Unit means any Partnership Unit that is not specifically designated by the General Partner as being of another specified class of Partnership Units.

  • Membership Fee means the membership fee which the Core Member (or, in case of juvenile, through his or her legal parent or legal guardian) shall remit to the Company for enrollment of the Membership, which is to be discussed more particularly in detail under Clause 5.1.

  • Carbon regeneration unit means any enclosed thermal treatment device used to regenerate spent activated carbon.

  • sub-unit means, with respect to any currency other than euro, the lowest amount of such currency that is available as legal tender in the country of such currency and, with respect to euro, means one cent.

  • Membership Unit means a Membership Common Unit, a Company Preferred Unit, a Company Junior Unit or any other fractional share of the Membership Interests that the Managing Member has authorized pursuant to Section 4.1 or Section 4.2 hereof.

  • Generating Unit means one or more generating equipment combinations typically consisting of prime mover(s), electric generator(s), electric transformer(s), steam generator(s) and air emission control devices.

  • Camping unit means an area intended and used for:

  • OP Unit Economic Balance has the meaning set forth in Section 6.03(c) hereof.

  • Partnership Record Date means the record date established by the General Partner for a distribution pursuant to Section 5.1(a) hereof, which record date shall be the same as the record date established by the General Partner for a distribution to its stockholders of some or all of its portion of such distribution.

  • Common Unit Economic Balance has the meaning set forth in Section 5.01(g) hereof.

  • Stationary beam radiation therapy means radiation therapy without displacement of one or more mechanical axes relative to the patient during irradiation.

  • Spending unit means the department, bureau, division, office, board, commission,

  • Rooming unit means any room or group of rooms forming a single habitable unit used or intended to be used for living and sleeping, but not for cooking or eating purposes.

  • Public water supply means all mains, pipes and structures through which water is obtained and distributed to the public, including wells and well structures, intakes and cribs, pumping stations, treatment plants, reservoirs, storage tanks and appurtenances, collectively or severally, actually used or intended for use for the purpose of furnishing water for drinking or general domestic use and which serve at least 15 service connections or which regularly serve at least 25 persons at least 60 days per year. A public water supply is either a "community water supply" or a "non-community water supply".

  • Said Unit means the said Flat, the said Vehicle Parking Space, (if any), and the right of common use of the Common Portions and wherever the context so intends or permits, shall also include the Said Undivided Share.

  • Electric utility steam generating unit means any steam electric generating unit that is constructed for the purpose of supplying more than one-third of its potential electric output capacity and more than 25 MW electrical output to any utility power distribution system for sale. Any steam supplied to a steam distribution system for the purpose of providing steam to a steam-electric generator that would produce electrical energy for sale is also considered in determining the electrical energy output capacity of the affected facility.

  • Half-value layer (HVL) means the thickness of specified material which attenuates the beam of radiation to an extent such that the AKR is reduced by one-half of its original value. In this definition, the contribution of all scattered radiation, other than any which might be present initially in the beam concerned, is deemed to be excluded.