Examples of Policy Lead in a sentence
The constitution is updated on an annual basis with the last update carried out in June 2019.The constitution includes collective and individual roles and responsibilities of the Leader, Provost, Policy Lead Councillors, other councillors and officers.
The Project Plan should be prepared in consultation with the DELWP Policy Lead.
The report also included updates in relation to the Policy Lead portfolio.
Pavia declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest as Research and Policy Lead, ADSS Cymru.
Following this sign off by the Sub Policy Group your policy and the associated EqIA will be published by the Trust’s Policy Lead on the website.If your EqIA related to a service development or business /financial plan or strategy, once your Director or the relevant committee has approved it please send a copy to the Equality and Diversity Lead (equalityanddivesity@candi.nhs.uk), who will publish it on the Trust’s website.
Only staff who have been authorised to administer medicines by the Policy Lead should do so.
Members noted that a report was due back in October following completion of the first year of the Policy Lead role.
Delegated authority to the Council’s Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Leader, Depute Leader and Policy Lead for Transportation to develop a response to Transport Scotland in relation to the options for procurement that maximises the chance of a passenger/vehicle town centre ferry service.
County Council P.Pavia declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest in relation to item 8.1 and8.2 as the Chair of Governors of St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, and item 10.1 as Research and Policy Lead, ADSS Cymru.
Many members have taken the opportunity to discuss particular aspects of Service Choices with myself, the Depute Leader and Policy Lead councillors.