Examples of Political Office Bearers in a sentence
Enable support to Council, the Committees of Council, as well as to the Political Office Bearers, provide an effective and efficient human resource strategic and administration, ensure skilled workforce, ensure fair representation of the workforce, promote a conducive working environment provide optimal information technology services and infrastructure.
The Political Governance Structure deals with the political governance of the District Municipality through Political Office Bearers, Council, and Committees.
Political Office Bearers comprises of the Executive Mayor, Members of Mayoral Committee, Speaker and other Councillors.
The Great Kei Municipality has an Audit Committee as prescribed by the Municipal Finance Management Act, Chapter 14, Section 166(1), that serves the purpose of being an independent advisory body to the Council, Political Office Bearers, Accounting Officer, Management and Staff, thereby assisting Council in its oversight role.
In recognizing the need for greater urgency, we declared 2017 “The Year of Re-dedication”, where all Namibians, Political Office Bearers and Civil Servants were implored to rededicate themselves to the full implementation of developmental Plans, so as to deliver on our mandate.The year 2018 was declared “The Year of Reckoning” where Public Servants where called upon, to account on the realization of electoral promises and implementation of national development Plans.