Examples of Porous pavement in a sentence
Developments may increase the number of permitted off-street parking spaces by 15% by using porous pavement for a majority of all vehicular parking spaces required by Column A of Table 14.A. Porous pavement specifications must be approved by the Administrator, with the advice of the DPW.
Porous pavement designs and grass pavers are appropriate in some instances.
Porous pavement and grass pavers reduce runoff by allowing it to pass through the paved surface and infiltrate back into the soil and groundwater.
Porous pavement should be used to the greatest degree possible, and the Stormwater Technical Standards Manual should be referenced for Best Management Practices (BMP).
Porous pavement is a permeable pavement surface with an underlying stone reservoir to temporarily store surface runoff before it infiltrates into the subsoil.
The Administrator shall determine the level of permeability allowed based on conditions and proposed materials.; Porous pavement and other materials shall be calculated to be impervious in a percentage as identified by the manufacturer or calculated using sound engineering principles.
Porous pavement cannot be used where sand is applied because sand will clog the surface of the material.
Porous pavement options include porous asphalt, and pervious concrete.
Porous pavement is the most restricted infiltration BMP, but infiltration trenches and basins are also somewhat restricted in cold regions (Table 5.3).
Porous pavement is a special type of pavement that allows rain to pass through it, thereby reducing the runoff from a site and surrounding areas that drain to the pavement.