Portfolio Commencement Date definition

Portfolio Commencement Date means the date when the Capital Contribution shall be paid to the Portfolio Manager.
Portfolio Commencement Date means the date when the payment of the Capital Contribution shall be made to the Portfolio Manager.
Portfolio Commencement Date means the Issue Date. In the event that such date would fall on a day that is not a Strategy Business Day, the Portfolio Commencement Date will be the first following Strategy Business Day;

Examples of Portfolio Commencement Date in a sentence

  • High water mark is the highest year-end Fair Market Value of the Portfolio (after payment of all fees and expenses) since Portfolio Commencement Date.

  • Similar approacheshave been taken in English law, for example, in order to enforce employee pension obligations.17 EU jurisdiction law, in relation to civil matters, is currently governed by the Brussels I Regulation.18 The European Coalition for Corporate Justice proposes that this regulation be amended.

  • Liquidity FacilityThe Portfolio Manager at the end of 3 years from the Portfolio Commencement Date, shall provide a liquidity enabling facility (Liquidity Facility) under terms of the Agreement.

  • DJIATR Level0 means the Official Closing Level of the DJX Total Return Index on the Dynamic Portfolio Commencement Date.

  • Initial composition of the Dynamic Portfolio The Dynamic Portfolio will be established on 19 December 2008 (the "Dynamic Portfolio Commencement Date").

  • The Notional Participation Facility Fee will be calculated and subtracted from the DJX Index Portfolio and the Notional Bond Portfolio on a pro rata basis at the end of each day after effecting any reallocation(s) on that day, commencing on the first day after the Dynamic Portfolio Commencement Date.

  • Next to the credit of the Principal Account, the amount necessary, together with any moneys therein and available therefor, to make the next regularly scheduled installment of principal on the 2018A Bonds in such Bond Year.

  • Initial composition of the Dynamic Portfolio The Dynamic Portfolio will be established on 2 February 2009 (the "Dynamic Portfolio Commencement Date").

  • The principles followed by ICC – like, e.g., “to grant each community the rightful benefit of location”, or “to keep different commodities on an equal footing” – found no legitimacy in economic theory, nor in express Congress provisions.

  • Management Fee will be payable quarterly in advance from the Portfolio Commencement Date, at such rate as agreed between the Client and the Portfolio Manager, on the outstanding Co-investment Contribution.

More Definitions of Portfolio Commencement Date

Portfolio Commencement Date means the date when each of the payment of the Capital Contribution shall be made to the Portfolio Manager. For avoidance of doubt, where the Capital Contribution is received prior to account being opened, initial Portfolio Commencement Date shall be the date on which the demat account of the Client is opened and formal client on-boarding process is completed by the Portfolio Manager.
Portfolio Commencement Date means the initial date when the payment of the Co-investment Contribution is made by the Client pursuant to the instructions from the Portfolio Manager.

Related to Portfolio Commencement Date

  • Offering Commencement Date means the first day of each Offering Period.

  • Amortization Commencement Date means the date on which an Amortization Event is deemed to occur pursuant to Section 20 hereof.

  • Loan Commencement Date means, with respect to each Loan, the first Business Day of the calendar month following the Funding Date of such Loan.

  • Billing Commencement Date means the earlier of:

  • Accumulation Commencement Date means January 1, 2021, or such later date as the Calculation Agent on behalf of the Issuer determines in accordance with Section 2.11 hereof.

  • Project Commencement Date means the commencement date notified to the Minister pursuant to clause 4(1);

  • Distribution Commencement Date means the Issue Date or such other date as may be specified as the Distribution Commencement Date on the face of such Perpetual Security;

  • Rent Commencement Date means [Insert date or description] or any later date calculated in accordance with paragraph 3.3 of Part 5 of the Schedule;

  • Payment Commencement Date means the date payments of amounts deferred begin pursuant to Article III, Section 6.

  • Interest Commencement Date means the Issue Date of the Notes or such other date as may be specified as the Interest Commencement Date in the relevant Final Terms;

  • Term Commencement Date shall be the later of (i) November 1, 2006 or (ii) the date on which Landlord’s Work is Substantially Complete (or the date on which Landlord’s Work would have been Substantially Complete absent Tenant Delay or Force Majeure (as defined below)); provided, however, that if the Term Commencement Date is not the first day of a calendar month, then the first lease year shall be extended through the last day of the calendar month in which the first 12-month period expires, and Rent for the additional period at the end of the first lease year shall be payable at the rate for the 12th month of the Term. “Force Majeure” means accident; breakage; repair; governmental regulation, moratorium or other governmental action. The “Term Expiration Date” shall be the day immediately preceding the seventh (7th) anniversary of the Term Commencement Date, provided that if such preceding day is not the last day of a calendar month, then the Term Expiration Date shall be the last date of the calendar month in which such preceding day occurs. Landlord and Tenant shall each execute and deliver to the other written acknowledgment of the actual Term Commencement Date and the Term Expiration Date when such are established, and shall attach it to this Lease as Exhibit B. Failure to execute and deliver such acknowledgment, however, shall not affect the Term Commencement Date or Landlord’s or Tenant’s liability hereunder. Failure by Tenant to obtain validation by any medical review board or other similar governmental licensing of the Premises required for the Permitted Use by Tenant shall not serve to extend the Term Commencement Date.

  • Issuer Call Commencement Date means the date specified as such in the definition of the relevant Series in the applicable Final Terms;

  • Pay Out Commencement Date means the date on which a Trust Pay Out Event is deemed to occur pursuant to Section 9.01 of the Agreement or a Series 2001-D Pay Out Event is deemed to occur pursuant to Section 7 hereof.

  • Annuity Commencement Date is the first day of the month an annuity begins under this contract. This date may not be later than the date a Participant's periodic benefits are required to commence under the Code.

  • Lease Commencement Date has the meaning specified in Section 3.2 of the Master Lease.

  • the commencement date means the date on which the Contract shall take effect, as notified by the Authority to the Contractor in a letter awarding the Contract.

  • Construction Commencement Date means the date set out in the Addendum, if applicable, by which you must commence construction of the Hotel. For the Hotel to be considered under construction, youmust have begun to pour concrete foundations for the Hotel or otherwise satisfied any site-specific criteria for “under construction” set out in the Addendum.

  • Policy Commencement Date means the date of commencement of the Policy as specified in the Schedule.

  • Applicable Anniversary of the Commencement Date means the fifth (5th) anniversary of the Commencement Date.

  • Framework Commencement Date means [insert date dd/mm/yyyy];

  • Recommencement Date As defined in Section 6(d) hereof.

  • Service Commencement Date in respect of a Service or a particular instance of a Service means the date on which that particular Service or particular instance of a Service is first provided to the Customer, or as otherwise explicitly set out in this Agreement;

  • Vesting Commencement Date means the Grant Date or such other date selected by the Committee as the date from which an Award begins to vest.

  • Offer Commencement Date means the date on which Purchaser commences the Offer, within the meaning of Rule 14d-2 under the Exchange Act.

  • Benefit Commencement Date means, for any Participant or beneficiary, the date as of which the first benefit payment, including a single sum, from the Participant’s Account is due, other than pursuant to a withdrawal under Article VIII.

  • commencement day means the day on which the State Administrative Tribunal (Conferral of Jurisdiction) Amendment and Repeal Act 2004 Part 2 Division 29 comes into operation;