Examples of Postabortion care in a sentence
Postabortion care in Latin America: policy and service recommendations from a decade of operations research.
Post-abortion care and medical care for survivors of GBV are rarely available.
DELIVERY OF POST-ABORTION CARE SERVICES Post-abortion care is being delivered in most hospitals in the country, but is currently not being reported as a program indicator.
Postabortion care (PAC) has been widely embraced as an important intervention to address complications related to miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) and incomplete abortion.
Post-abortion care with misoprostol - equally effective, safe and accepted when administered by midwives compared to physicians: a randomised controlled equivalence trial in a low-resource setting in Kenya.
For example, a doctor interviewed for the case study on ‘Testing a Model to improve Postabortion care in Burkina Faso and Senegal’ does not speak English.
Post-abortion care has been introduced in 6 districts while the prevention of post-natal hemorrhage using mesoprostol at community level has started in 7 districts.
Post-abortion care: a women's health initiative to combat unsafe abortion.
Post-abortion care aims at integrating post-abortion care and family planning services in health care systems as a means of breaking the cycle of repeated unwanted pregnancies and improving the overall health status of women.
Postabortion care for adolescents: Results from research in the Dominican Republic and Malawi.