Community supervision means an order of disposition by the
Direct supervision means oversight at a distance within which:
County Superintendent means the Executive County Superintendent of Schools designated by the Department of Education for this school district.
Group supervision means the process of clinical supervision of no more than six persons in a group setting provided by a qualified supervisor.
Rural community ’ means any city having a population of fewer than 50,000 or except as otherwise provided, any unincorporated area. Unincorporated areas within any county having a population of more than 100,000 are not eligible; and
Indirect supervision means the supervision of an unlicensed school staff member when the school nurse or other health care provider is not physically available on site but immediately available by telephone.
College community means trustees, students, staff, faculty, and visitors on college-owned or controlled facilities.
District superintendent means a person who holds a valid class 3 Montana teacher certificate
Water Supervisor means the Water Supervisor of the appropriate local office of the Safe Drinking Water Branch of the Ministry, where the Works are geographically located;
Community association means an association in which membership is a condition of ownership or shareholder interest of a unit in a condominium, cooperative, townhouse, villa, or other residential unit that is part of a residential development plan as a master association or common interest community and that is authorized to impose an assessment and other costs that may become a lien on the unit or lot.
Immediate supervision means under the physical and visual supervision of a pharmacist;
Direct visual supervision means the supervisory dentist
the Community means both:
Home and community-based services or "HCBS" means Home and Community-Based Services as defined in OAR chapter 411, division 004.
Public safety officer means a member serving a public
Urban Coordinating Council Empowerment Neighborhood means a neighborhood given priority access to State resources through the New Jersey Redevelopment Authority.
traditional communities means communities recognised in terms of section 3 of the Eastern Cape Traditional Leadership and Governance Act, 2005 (Act No. 4 of 2005).
Protective supervision means an order of disposition pursuant to which the court permits an abused, neglected, dependent, or unruly child to remain in the custody of the child's parents, guardian, or custodian and stay in the child's home, subject to any conditions and limitations upon the child, the child's parents, guardian, or custodian, or any other person that the court prescribes, including supervision as directed by the court for the protection of the child.
Transient non-community water system or “transient non-CWS” means a non- CWS that does not regularly serve at least 25 of the same persons over six months of the year.
State superintendent means the state superintendent of public instruction.
School Community means all parents, students and staff of the school and all other persons who have a legitimate interest in or connection with the school.
Clinical supervision means direction or oversight provided either face to face or by videoconference or telephone by an individual qualified to evaluate, guide, and direct all behavioral health services provided by a licensee to assist the licensee to develop and improve the necessary knowledge, skills, techniques, and abilities to allow the licensee to engage in the practice of behavioral health ethically, safely, and competently.
Natural Resources Assistance Council means the natural resources assistance council created pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 164.21 as well as its members and officers.
Civil Service Commission means the commission required under Section 5 of Article XI of the Michigan Constitution of 1963.
Deputy sheriff means any person who is commissioned and employed as a full-time peace officer by the sheriff of any county, and has been so employed since on or before December 31, 1965; any person who is or has been commissioned and employed as a peace officer by the sheriff of any county since January 1, 1966, and who has received a certificate attesting to the person's satisfactory completion of the peace officer training school as required by section 109.77 of the Revised Code; or any person deputized by the sheriff of any county and employed pursuant to section 2301.12 of the Revised Code as a criminal bailiff or court constable who has received a certificate attesting to the person's satisfactory completion of the peace officer training school as required by section 109.77 of the Revised Code.
Deputy Minister means the Deputy Minister of the Ministry.