Examples of Powered aircraft in a sentence
Powered aircraft with a crew aboard, such as airplanes, that use a fixed wing for lift.
Powered aircraft with a crew aboard, such as helicopters, that use a rotary wing for lift.
Distribution Business Electricity distribution is a regulated public utility business under the EPIRA.
Powered aircraft shall use noise reduction climb power settings as soon as practicable after take-off and adopt noise abatement routings to avoid climbing at high power over Wendover, Aston Clinton, Stoke Mandeville and Weston Turville.
A designated water use is one that is protected in a given location and is one of the following: • Raw drinking water, public water supply and food processing; • Aquatic life and wildlife; • Agriculture (livestock watering and irrigation) • Recreation and aesthetics; • Industrial water supplies.
Powered aircraft, gliders, tow planes and other vehicles and or equipment owned and operated by Journeys and its employees may be involved.
Most of the stakeholders are in favour of a licence for the following aircraft categories:▪ Powered aircraft (aeroplanes);▪ Balloons;▪ Sailplanes.o Only very few stakeholders saw a need for such a licence for helicopter pilots.• The analysis of replies to Question 6(b) showed that:o The vast majority of stakeholders considered that all the existing types of ratings should be maintained for the future European LPL.
Powered aircraft should consider stopping unless they believe they will be in the way of the glider making the emergency return.
If there is a northerly wind component, then glider circuits will generally be to the north. Pilots are asked to avoid flying over local villages on approach to reduce noise levels. Powered aircraft shall land to the north of the winch track, and turn left before commencing taxiing, keeping a good lookout for landing gliders at all times. Ensure that the position of the tow out cables is known before take off.
Powered aircraft should set an SSR code of 1400 and gliders 1300 on their transponders.Aircraft operating within an active GAA should maintain a listening watch on the applicable ATC frequency – unless the GAA has been activated for a specific period for glider, hang glider or paraglider operations.