Predicate offence definition

Predicate offence means any offence as a result of which proceeds have been generated that may become the subject of an offence as defined in article 23 of this Convention;
Predicate offence means an offence specified in the Schedule to this Act;
Predicate offence means any criminal offence as a result of which proceeds were generated that may become the subject of an offence as defined in Article 6 of this Convention.

Examples of Predicate offence in a sentence

  • Repayment of Interest Free Deposit – On the day of completion of the license period or on the day of receiving peaceful and vacant possession of the said flat Licensor shall repay interest free deposit amount of Rs.60000/- (Rs. Sixty Thousand Only) to licensee and on failing so licensor shall pay interest @ 2% p.

  • And in the international context, United Nations Convention Against Corruption avoided providing an exclusive definition for corruption, despite the fact that article II provided brief definitions for some concepts for the public official, foreign public official, Official of a public international organization, Property, Proceeds of a crime, freezing or seizure, confiscation, Predicate offence and Controlled delivery.

  • Origin of the fundsAmounts (million EUR)3.4. Files disseminated to the judicial authorities by main predicate offence Number of files disseminated to the judicial authorities by main predicate offence Predicate offence (1) Since the Law of 18 September 2017 entered into force.

More Definitions of Predicate offence

Predicate offence means any offence as a result of which
Predicate offence means the offences referred to in section 5; "prescribed offences" means the offences referred to in section 3;
Predicate offence means any offence as a result of which proceeds have been generated that may become the subject of an offence as defined in article [...] [Laundering of proceeds of corruption] of this Convention;
Predicate offence. ” means any criminal offence that under the law of a Party is punishable by deprivation of liberty or imprisonment for a period of at least four years or was committed by a member of a criminal organization as defined by article Y as a result of which proceeds were generated that may become the subject of an offence as defined in article 4 of this Convention.”
Predicate offence means an offence as a result of which property or benefit has been generated;
Predicate offence means any offence, which generates proceeds of crime.
Predicate offence means the offences mentioned below, by committing which within or outside the country, the money or property derived from is laundered or attempt to be laundered, namely:-