Examples of Preliminary License in a sentence
The result of those assessments is the Preliminary License (LP), which reflects the environmental local agency positive understanding about the environmental project concepts.
The result of these evaluations is the Preliminary License (PL), which reflects the positive understanding of the local environmental agency on the project environmental concepts.
The Pará State Environmental Agency granted a Preliminary License (PL) to MCSA on March 7, 2012 which was subsequently renewed on June 19, 2013.
The Preliminary License (PL) for extending the mine pit below the water table has recently been approved by the Environmental Regulatory Authorities.
Preliminary License (LP): Environmental impact assessment (EIA) has been submitted to IBAMA on 3 July 2012 and was accepted on 21 August 2012.
As reported in the Updated PFS, the Mara Rosa Project contains 513,000 ounces of gold in the Proven category from 9.6 million tonnes (Mt) at 1.65 g/t Au, and 574,000 ounces in the Probable category from 14.2 Mt at 1.46 g/t Au, for total Reserves of 1,087,000 ounces from 23.8 Mt at 1.42 g/t Au. Mara Rosa was awarded its Preliminary License (LP), which provides the social and environment permission to mine, in May 2016 with a 5 year expiry in May 2021.
In 2014, however, the Environmental Agency of Pará (SEMAS) issued Preliminary License nº 1.312/2014 and disregarded the FUNAI's requirement, retaining as a conditioning measure only the obligation to undertake the Indigenous Component Study for the Paquiçamba and Arara of the Volta Grande Indigenous Lands (Environmental Licence Condition No. 26).
In the case of the Tapajós River, insufficient integration occurs be- tween the environmental and water sectors when ANA checked the Water Availability Reserve Declaration at the São Luiz do Tapajós Hydroelectric Plant15 since IBAMA did not grant the Preliminary License for the project.
In Brazil, any new project is required to obtain environmental license at three stages: Preliminary License, Installation License, and Operation License.
In October 2001, FEPAM – State Foundation of Environmental Protection (Fundação Estadual de Proteção Ambiental) authorized the Preliminary License for the three HPP 14 de Julho enterprises.