Examples of Prescribed number in a sentence
Prescribed number of headers as required shall be provided to give sufficient transverse bond.
Prescribed number of copies of report by AuthorityFor the purposes of section 44(1) of the Act the prescribed number of copies is 4.[Regulation 3A inserted in Gazette 11 Dec 1998 p.
As well as forbidden execution, technique or equipment.o Prescribed number of repetitions or repetition scheme and/or time.o Prescribed equipment (if necessary).
The Lawyer advising the Committee referred to the conditions in Appendix C to the report and enquired whether they would be subject to any variations.
Humanitarian aid must be delivered across frontlines, and in particular into cut off areas under heavy fighting.
The following requirements will be implemented from January 2017: Dual pedal control vehicles to be used for training and testing Prescribed number of hours of training Accreditation and registration of driving schools and instructors with the Botswana Qualifications Authority.
Prescribed number of residents not previously involved in Sustainable DC that participated in community engagement project.2. Actionable input on draft Sustainable DC 2.0 from Ward 7 and 8 residents as a result of project-related community engagement activity.
Prescribed number of directors The Company’s Articles of Incorporation stipulate that the number of directors (excluding directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee members) shall not exceed 12 and the number of directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee members shall not exceed 4.
Prescribed number of rifles not kept to ward of jail break Non-installation of video conferencing system facilitated escape of prisoners Inspections/ Searches were not effective to prevent entry of prohibited items in jails• Paragraph 1257 of the Manual stipulates that for defence against the surprise attack on Jails, six rifles are to be kept in office of SS, CJs and four rifles in office of the Supdts, DJ.
Prescribed number of repetitions or repetition scheme and/or time.