Pressure tank definition

Pressure tank means a tank in which fluids are stored at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure.
Pressure tank means a tank having a design pressure greater than 0.07 MPa gauge. A pressure tank shall be an independent tank and shall be of a configuration permitting the application of pressure-vessel design criteria according to recognized standards.
Pressure tank means a tank having a design pressure greater than 0.07 MPa gauge. A pressure tank should be an independent tank and should be of a configuration permitting the application of pressure-vessel design criteria according to recognized standards.

Examples of Pressure tank in a sentence

  • Pressure tank or plant tap samples are not acceptable for determining compliance.

  • Asset Name (e.g., Well 1, Pressure tank 1, softener 1)                     1Criticality = The largest number will have the greatest risk to the continued operation of the water system if the asset were to fail.

  • Commissioner Randash discussed most often they will pressure inject an epoxy to repair the cracks.Commissioner Ranum stated they need to stay on top of it or we risk moisture entering the cracks.The Pressure tank for the well is no longer large enough since the new building was added.

  • Pressure tank cars OPS-CORE - Origin: NFPA Supports OSHA OPS-A, AWARE-C Given examples of the following intermodal tanks, identify each intermodal tank by type, as follows:1.

  • Asset Inventory (Continued)Asset Name (e.g., Well 1, Pressure tank 1, softener 1)                     1Criticality = The largest number will have the greatest risk to the continued operation of the water system if the asset were to fail.

More Definitions of Pressure tank

Pressure tank means a pressurized holding tank for irrigation water coming from wells to minimize cycling of the water pump.
Pressure tank means a tank designated and approved for a working pressure > 400 kPa (4 bar).
Pressure tank means a closed water and air storage container that modulates the water supply system pressure within a selected range.‌
Pressure tank means a tank having a design pressure greater than 0.07 MPa gauge. A pressure tank is to be an independent tank and should be of a configuration permitting the application of pressure vessel design criteria according to the standards of the Society.
Pressure tank. Means a tank designated and approved for a working pres- sure > 400 kPa (4 bar).
Pressure tank or “hydropneumatic tank” means a closed water storage container constructed to operate under a designed pressure rating to modulate the water system pressure within a selected range.
Pressure tank or “hydropneumatig tank” means a glosed water storage gontainer gonstrugted to operate under a designed pressure rating to modulate the water system pressure within a selegted range.