Primary beam definition
Examples of Primary beam in a sentence
Primary beam corrections have not been applied to these images, given that the mm cores are detected at the edge of the ALMA primary beam (FWHM = 27 arcsec; see Section 3.2).
Primary beam cor- rections are applied to the images after they are created.
Primary beam correction and fitting Gaussian models to radio sources in order to extract flux densities were performed in AIPS.2 All errors quoted are 1σ .
Cloud ID Primary beam centre λ Image rms 1352–63 0733–174 1109–561613–586 0826–373 1622–2971646–50 0906–47 1646–50 1748–253 ~images.
Primary beam cubes can be used subsequently in the mosaic worker.As a final step, CARACal can run SoFiA in order to make a line detection mask and the corresponding moment images.