Examples of Primary Residence in a sentence
Rental Income on the Property You Want to Purchase Complete if the property is a 2-4 Unit Primary Residence or an Investment PropertyAmountExpected Monthly Rental Income$For LENDER to calculate: Expected Net Monthly Rental Income$For Purchase Only Does not apply 4d.
Primary Residence means an Insured’s fixed, permanent and main home for legal and tax purposes.
If You incur a covered Injury or Sickness on Your Trip and a treating Physician certifies that You are not Medically Fit to Travel to Your Return Destination on Your Scheduled Return Date, the Medical Evacuation and Repatriation benefit will be automatically extended until You are Medically Fit to Travel and transported to Your Primary Residence or You reached the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.
The Injury must first occur or the Sickness must first begin while on an overnight Trip with a Destination of at least 100 miles from Your Primary Residence, while covered under the Policy.
Rental Income on the Property You Want to PurchaseFor Purchase Only Does not applyComplete if the property is a 2-4 Unit Primary Residence or an Investment PropertyAmountExpected Monthly Rental Income$For LENDER to calculate: Expected Net Monthly Rental Income$ 4d.