Examples of Primary place in a sentence
Primary place of business (in the NYC metropolitan area) Street/P.O. Box Floor #/Suite # City/State/Zip CodeTelephone Number ( ) - Fax Number ( ) - ❑ Check if the submitting vendor had other primary places of business in the NYC metropolitan area within the prior five (5) years and list information on page 7.c. Primary place of business address is (check all that apply)❑ Owned ❑ Rented ❑ Rented with an option to buy ❑ Donatedd.
Primary place of performance can indicate the location where the majority of the affected vehicles operate, or where the affected vehicles operate a majority of the time.
Primary place demand has levelled off recently across London and the priority for school place delivery has shifted mainly to Special Educational Need and Disability provision.
The Governors and staff of Dunmow St Mary’s Primary place great value on educational visits in enhancing both the learning and social experience of pupils.
Customer must identify a Primary place of Use per location at time of ordering.
Primary place of performance, if difference from above: Street: City/State/nine-digit zip code: Congressional District: d.
Name (Primary place of employment)OTP Lic# AddressCityStateZip Pharmacist in ChargePharmacist Lic.
Primary place of performance can indicate the location where the majority of the affected vehicles operate, or where the affected vehicles operate a majority ofthe time.
Zacna 2Legal form of the entity – Polish joint stock company entered in the National Court Register (KRS): Gdańsk-Północ District Court in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register; KRS number 0000740933, registered on 23 July 2018Name of the parent company – BoomBit S.A. Name of the reporting company – BoomBit S.A.Name of the ultimate parent of the group – BoomBit S.A. Primary place of business – Poland, 80-283 Gdańsk ul.
The types of information WSA may collect and hold includes:• Your personal and contact details including (but not limited to) date of birth, residential address, postal address, email address and telephone numbers.• Gender.• Nationality, race and ethnicity.• Citizenship or residency status.• Primary place of residence.• Whether you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin.• Employment history.• Referee and emergency contact details.• Resumes and job applications.