Examples of Primary Street Frontage in a sentence
Careful consideration must be given to both the Primary Street Frontage and Secondary Street frontage regarding thearticulation of the built form, including varying materials, windows, roof form and door openings.Corner Lots with a proposed crossover on a Secondary Street Frontage may be considered on a case by case basis.Dwellings on Corner Lots must address the secondary frontage by incorporating the same or similar design features to those used onthe primary frontage.
Modern architecture incorporating flat or skillion roofs is strongly encouraged.The front façade of the Dwelling must incorporate an entry feature at the front door that addresses the Primary Street Frontage and creates a strong sense of entry.Every Dwelling must have at least one Habitable Room window on each storey that addresses each Public Realm frontage.The Habitable Room window must have appropriate head and sill heights to provide passive surveillance to the Public Realm.
Carports and open sided Garages are not permitted.Garages accessed from the Primary Street Frontage of a lot must be integrated into the overall form of the Dwelling.Integrated Garages must be stepped back a minimum of 0.50m from the Front Building Line.Garages that are not accessed from the Primary Street Frontage may be detached, at the discretion of the DAP.
PC-1 DISTRICTPC-2 DISTRICTPC-3 DISTRICTPC-4 DISTRICTBUILDING SITING Refer to Figure 27-105-15 Civic Building: Building Siting and 27-105(c)(1) Building Siting by Street TypesAlong Primary Street Frontage Edge FLOOR-TO-FLOOR HEIGHT Refer to Figure 27-105-16 Civic Building: Floor-to-Floor Height & Use Requirements and 27-105(c)(2) Floor-to-Floor Height.
For purposes of future redevelopment of the site, Southeast 22nd Street is considered a Primary Street Frontage.
PC-1 DISTRICTPC-2 DISTRICTPC-3 DISTRICTPC-4 DISTRICTBUILDING SITING Refer to Figure 27-105-6 General Building: Building Siting and 27-105(c)(1) Building Siting by Street TypesAlong Primary Street Frontage Edge FLOOR-TO-FLOOR HEIGHT Refer to Figure 27-105-7 General Building: Floor-to-Floor Height & Use Requirements and 27-105(c)(2) Floor-to-Floor Height.
Zoning Districts for setback line or 27-105 Building Types for Primary Street Frontage requirements for allowable widths of parking along the frontage and required building facades along the frontage.
Parcels that are adjacent to a Secondary Street as designated on the Street Types Map, Figure 27-98-2, shall apply one or more of theFigure 27-98-25 Primary Street Frontage - Drop-off Drive EdgeFIGURE 27-98-25: SECONDARY STREET TYPE REQUIREMENTSSecondary Street Street frontage options along the entire length of the lot line abutting theSecondary Street.
For purposes of future redevelopment of the site, East Euclid Avenue is considered a Primary Street Frontage.
For purposes of future redevelopment of the site, Grand Avenue is considered a Primary Street Frontage.