Examples of Principal arterials in a sentence
No payment will be required from a Participant on the grant of an Option.
Principal arterials are those highway corridors that have trip length and travel density characteristics of an interstate or interregional nature.
Principal arterials, in general, serve all urban areas greater than 5,000 population and may include: interstate highways, freeways, expressways, four-lane divided highways and two-lane highways.
UCM: We see no problem with local review going on at the same time as a proposal is submitted in the RFP.
Principal arterials are not restricted to controlled access routes.
Principal arterials, minor arterials and collector streets as defined in the Federal Classification system and shown on a map on file in the Clerk’s Office and the Public Works Office.
Principal arterials provide the highest level of access control, making access to abutting land subordinate to the provision for vehicular travel.
Principal arterials promote connectivity to other arterials, serve the longest trips, and carry the major portion of trips entering and leaving the overall area.
Principal arterials, such as Mill Plain, Fourth Plain, N.E. 78th Street, Padden Parkway, N.E. 112th Avenue, SE/NE164th/162nd Avenue and segments of St. John's and Andresen are included.
To clarify the setbacks for development activities consistent with the requirements of this chapter, the following road designations shall apply: • Principal arterials: US 101, SR 104, SR 20.